How To Wall-Mount Computer Equipment. Virtually Anything.
If you own a home network, you probably experienced the difficulty of organizing different wired equipment such as routers, power adapters, or cable modem. The cables and other accessories can reduce space and be a bit of an eyesore. The benefit of wall-mounting these things is having a clutter-free and more spacious workspace.
Some products come with an available wall-mount option like the Mac Mini power adapter ($30, shipping fee is not yet included) and a router wall mount shelf (20-50 dollars) but they can be pricey. It would be much cheaper to do it on your own. Besides, it actually is very simple to mount them.
Mounting does require little handicraft skills and no special tools. Most accessories have holes or grooves on the back so that you can install them on the wall. You can organize cables and wires using zip ties (about 5 dollars per 100 pieces). Before you start mounting your computer equipment on the wall, check out the video first.
Image source: The 8-Bit Guy
Move on to the Next Page video: How to wall mount virtually anything.